
Roll of Packaging Twine for Tying Pastry/ Donut Boxes Closed



  • Condition: Slightly soiled


Got this at an auction for a bakery going out of business. The counter people that worked at the bakery, if you bought a pie, cake, cookies, pastry, or donuts, and they put it in a box, they would reach up to these string holders that had these rolls of string inside of them with a piece of string hanging out.  Wrap the string around the box one way a couple of times; and then the other way a couple of times; break the string from the roll; and tie the loose end through the middle of the wrapped strings, making a simple knot; and hand the box to the customer. Easy peezy, lemon squeezy. String has a thousand uses and it looks like there is a lot. In the unlikely event you run out, I got more.